METS – Physical Test Grid
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Physical Test Grid |
Pages |
Page completes loading |
Loading completes in a reasonable amount of time
Page loading consistent between browser versions
Page loading time reasonable under load |
Graphics, text and other elements seem to be in correct locations |
Page has logical flow |
Color contrast issues |
Graphics | Graphics loading completely |
Graphics completed loading within same time frame |
Consistently loading every time |
Non-browser safe color pallet used | |||
Scaling, cropping or image quality problems |
Highly artifact (distorted) image quality |
Unpredictable color rendering at various bit depths |
Rollover graphics displaying correctly |
Graphic rollover state providing correct transition illusion |
Preloaders working correctly for quick screen redraw | |||||
Graphical text within graphic is legible | Correctly spelled text within graphic | ||||||
Forms | Dropdown menus are functional |
Dropdown menu contains all desired options |
Submitted form contains dropdown menu selection(s) |
Dropdown items are spelled correctly | |||||||
Radio Buttons are functional | Radio button effect, turning off related radio buttons is working |
Submitted form contains radio button selection | |||||
Radio buttons are spelled correctly | |||||||
Checkboxes are functional | Selection of multiple checkboxes is possible |
Submitted form contains checkbox selection(s) | |||||
Checkbox text is spelled correctly | |||||||
Text fields and boxes are functional | Text field and boxes have correctly spelled default text |
Text fields allow enough room for a typical data entry | |||||
Submitted form contains text field and text box information | |||||||
Buttons are functional | Button submitting or resetting form correctly |
Buttons are spelled correctly | |||||||
Forms submitting correctly | Hitting Return/Enter submits form |
Form data being received |
Data from submitted form validated and correct |
Form validation working correctly | |||||||
Links | Hyperlinks working |
Hyperlinks going to correct destinations | Link to page is not an error page |
Hyperlinks spelled correctly | |||||||
Image links working. |
Image links going to correct destination | ||||||
Email links working. | Email links launching email client | Email link addressing mail client correctly | Email links going to correct recipient |
Text | Scan text for flow and readability |
Typographical errors | Consistent use of formatting | Header text formatted consistently |
Footer text formatted consistently | |||||||
Look for special characters that can render incorrectly (i.e. &, @, _, ©, ®, ™ , •) |
Does printable version fit in portrait mode |
Does printable version fit in landscape mode |
How is the readability of the printed page | How is the readability in black and white |
Are background images displaying correctly in printout |
How is the readability in color | |||||||
Security |
Test for common User ID and Password combinations (i.e. admin / admin, admin / password, test / test) |
Test for common FTP User ID and Password combinations (i.e. admin / admin, admin / password, test / test) |
Is it possible to telnet into the server |
Does URL provide clues to accessing data | |||||||
Verify dates and events | Are the dates of the event possible | Are dates formatted consistently | ||||
Verify phone numbers |
Call phone numbers to verify they are working | Are phone numbers formatted consistently | |||||
Verify the persons mentioned |
Have the names been spelled correctly | Is the person still in the referred to position | Has the person authorized the use of their name | ||||
Verify places and locations |
Have the places been spelled correctly | ||||||
Verify addresses | Are the maps accurate | ||||||
Are the driving directions correct | |||||||
Plug-ins / Applets
Test page with correct plug-in | Test with no plug-in installed |
Test with wrong plug-in version installed | |||||||
Test with Java installed | Test with no Java installed | ||||||
Test with wrong version of Java installed | |||||||
Logging / Tracking | Are web logs reflecting activity | Is there tractability of user actions | Do error logs capture problems |
Download: METS_Worksheets